Tuesday, August 6, 2019

An attempt to enhance scenario 2 results

The 1st variable in the gainers and losers is the amount of money to be used in the paired sell then buy trades. The previous runs computed the amount of cash to be used by subtracting yesterday’s price from today’s then multiplying by the number of coins of the biggest gainer and finally by a trade percentage.


For the previous results TradePct! was set to 0.5. Basically, we use half of the gain to buy the losing coin. That left half the gain with the original coin. It was completely arbitrary.

To see if we can improve the results, we added code to loop through the primary code with different trade percentage. Following are the results with the different factors. It lists the net for each quarter.

When the “TradePct” is 0.0, that is effectively a buy and hold strategy. So, we see that it beats the gainers and losers in 4 of the 6 quarters. The other 2 had relatively small factors. These results lead one to rationally conclude that the gainers and loser’s strategy is worthless.

But before throwing this strategy in the trash, I’ll take a look at how the number of coins impact the results. The preliminary results are very good. I’ll tweet @billlanke when I complete this analysis.

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