Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Loss due to discounting notes

I’ve been selling Lending Club notes on FOLIOfn in an attempt to liquidate my account. This isn’t quick or easy and requires discounting the notes to get them to sell. How much will this approach cost me in the end?  To get an answer to this question I took a couple of snapshots of my account. One was the day before I started selling notes and the second one a recent day.

Estimated value of my Lending Club holdings on 9/12/2017.
Amount of cash removed from the sale of notes.
Estimated value of my Lending Club account on 3/13/2018.
Loss of value since selling began.
Percent loss.

Knowing the actual value of your account at any point in time is problematic. You know what the outstanding principal balances total is and can compute what you could earn based on monthly payments and time remaining. But this assumes no loans are paid off early or are charged off. These can only be estimated, thus requiring the estimating of account value.

The loss in value computed above would include losses due to notes being written off and not entirely due to notes being sold. The number is smaller than I would have expected, but I haven’t really discounted heavily until recently. Since I’m down to about 80 notes it may be time to increase the discounts significantly.

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