Monday, August 7, 2017


My 3rd test case on acquiring new notes for Lending Club involves letting someone else pick them. While following a few Lending Club investment forums I came across a post from someone wanting people to watch a video and sign up for a beta test of his software. I did, and have used his regular suggestions to select a few notes.

There are several services like the one he is developing. They have been around for a while and either make suggestions or actually manage your account. Since one of my primary interest is sports wagering, I would tend to call them touts. Sports touts are really worthless and no one should invest in them (another story if I ever start posting about sports wagering). But here I can see some usefulness because of the complexity of picking notes.

I’m going to use LC Picks because he happened to come along at the right time. He has made two videos and posted them on Youtube. Here is a short version of what he is doing,

His initial video is much longer and is worth watching. In particular, he describes his platform and some of how he picks notes. That demonstrates some of the complexity of picking good notes.  

My test case 3 consists of the notes I purchased with his ratings 70 and above.

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